HIAWATHA, IA–APRIL 27, 2012–According to an article in the Corridor Business Journal’s daily update, EDC client, Ready Wireless LLC, (Hiawatha) has announced the release of its wireless broadband solution platform for MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) partners. The platform allows the company’s wholesale customers to provide broadband products to meet the requirements of their end users.
In 2011, U.S. wireless data traffic grew 123 percent from 388 billion megabytes in 2010 to 866.7 billion megabytes in 2011.
“Adding broadband data packages to core voice & text offerings is critical to our partner’s long term competitiveness,” stated Dennis Henderson, CEO and Co-Founder of Ready Wireless in a press release. “We expect this important product launch to fuel growth. This strategic capability will bring new market opportunity, and additional jobs, to our business.”
Entrepreneurs in the wireless community have developed applications for consumers, small businesses and enterprises to take advantage of new broadband device and network technologies.
“For example, we are now powering wifi hotspots. Small businesses can connect up to five devices to the internet with an initial investment of about $100. It is a no hassle set up process anyone can do, including configuring security,” Mr. Henderson added.
Ready Wireless powers both pre-paid and post-paid business models. New technology from partner Telespree makes it simple to connect devices to the network, and monitor broadband usage with the DataMeter interface. Adding data plans is simplified through the new, online Quick Reload process. ReadyBroadband reload cards are also available through national US retail outlets.