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EDC Announces New Educational Series

On Friday, March 6th, EDC will launch a new educational series, Advance in 60 in collaboration with the City of North Liberty and North Liberty coLab. This monthly series will feature various marketing-related topics presented by entrepreneurs and area experts for entrepreneurs. The series will be held at noon the first Friday of each month at the new North Liberty coLab. Bring your lunch and pick up actionable, valuable insights.

Advance in 60 is provided free for Corridor area entrepreneurs seeking to advance their knowledge in areas critical for scaling their businesses. The series is designed to be for entrepreneurs by experts and entrepreneurs. Each session will focus on a key topic and provide best practices on that topic from the expert and examples of best practices at work by an area entrepreneur. Time will be available at the end for Q&A and networking.

The goal of the series is to provide actionable insights to area entrepreneurs who are trying to scale their businesses and need to be able to walk away with new knowledge that they can apply immediately in their own businesses.

The first topic is Managing Your Customer Acquisition Cost. Click here to register or or call 319-369-4955.