MEDCO Announces Future Focused Forum Series

Marion, IA–Marion Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO) is pleased to announce a new monthly personal and professional development opportunity called Future Focused Forums: A Series Transforming Challenge to Resiliency.

The forums will create dialogue around workplace topics that have emerged as companies and employees begin the new year. What are the impacts of remote work on company culture? What are businesses doing to address mental health in the workplace and what are practical ways to navigate this together? Join MEDCO for monthly dialogue with business and community leaders as well as health professionals.

“As we listened to our business partners in 2020, topics such as mental health and changes to workplace culture have emerged as those that require a broader community conversation,” says Brady Quinn, MEDCO’s Business Retention and Small Business Specialist. “These forums will allow our business partners to engage in dialogue as we learn best practices and seek to apply them to our unique situations.”

The series begins February 23rd and runs monthly through August. Registration is now available. A portion of the registration proceeds will go to Trees Forever as we conclude the forum series on the one year anniversary of the derecho storm in our our community.

For a limited time, a package of all six forums is available for $60. Individual registrations are available for purchase prior to each event, for $15. Each monthly session will be held the last Tuesday of the month from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. For a list of each forum and for registration details, visit: