Gov. Culver Welcomes Hundreds of New Jobs to Iowa

DES MOINES, IA—DECEMBER 16, 2010—Governor Chet Culver announced today that several companies plan to add jobs in Iowa as a result of support from the Iowa Department of Economic Development. Awards approved include projects or proposals in areas across Iowa that plan to add up to 567 new jobs and retain up to 672 jobs. Of those awarded include EDC clients Fastek International Ltd., MobileDemand and Vision-1.

“Many of the companies receiving awards today represent the technology and innovation-based research Iowa has set its targets on developing here,” Governor Culver said. “Their willingness to set up shop or expand their operations in Iowa is more proof Iowa is home to the innovation-based jobs and companies of the future.”

Cedar Rapids firm receives dollars for technical assistance
The board awarded a $25,000 grant to Fastek International Ltd. [an EDC client] for the company to hire consultants who can help them launch the Emergency Power Management System (EPMS) product. The EPMS helps meet the U.S. military and security forces’ need for an on-board universal power source on government vehicles. Those sources are used to power aircraft, helicopters and data and command centers in the field. Fastek’s power management system can exceed the requirements of an on-board power source while reducing the military’s logistic footprint, increasing safety and significantly increasing mobility.

Hiawatha technology company to expand
The board approved tax incentives for Hiawatha-based MobileDemand [an EDC client] to expand its operations.  The company provides rugged tablet computer systems for a variety of industries and is able to design options to meet the specific needs of its clients. Some of the options include bar code scanners, credit card readers and office dock accessories. The company is seeing rapid growth and needs space for additional technical people.  The tax incentives through the High Quality Jobs program are expected to support the creation of 17 new jobs.

Huxley software firm gets technical assistance funding
The board approved a $25,000 grant to software firm Vision-1 [an EDC client] of Huxley to help develop its product for the market. The company has created the Customer Response-Ability system, an employee performance measurement platform for the retail, hospitality, and financial services industries. The system asks customers one or more questions at the point of transaction to evaluate customer service. The assistance approved by the board Thursday will allow for the hiring of consultants to help bring their product to the market.

For the full article and to see a spreadsheet of all awards visit: