Please see the link below for an excellent article, ‘Be the Voice of Calmness and Lead Your Team,’ by Monte Wyatt. The article contains excellent tips for leading your team through this global event. The critical components are staying calm and helping those around you do the same, managing the cash needed to get to the other side of the situation, focusing on what the economy will look like at that point, and planning accordingly.
If you have the needed capital – engage in a strategic manner to properly align your product or service offering for the new normal. What products and services are actually increasing now, what products or services that were not a priority prior to March 1 will be a priority going forward? Successful products and services are tailored to user demand; what will users demand this coming fall? What you sell now? What you sell now but with modifications? Not what you sell now but something you are uniquely qualified to deliver? Do not assume the marketplace will return to where it was, plan for where it will be and you will reap the rewards, you will feel more in control of your future, you will be more confidant and help those around you feel the same.
Our team at EDC is available to help as you need–feel free to contact us at any time.
-Curt, Julie, Jane, Christie and Stacey
Be the Voice of Calmness and Lead Your Team
The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading rapidly, causing unprecedented economic disruption and immense global impact amid uncertainty. On one end, industries such as paper product manufacturers cannot keep up with the high demand for toilet paper and facial tissues. On the other end, service industries such as restaurants and bars have been required to stop dine-in services in certain states. No business will be left unaffected from the economic toll of the Coronavirus. How can you effectively lead your team through the panic and chaos of these uncertain times?
Click here for 12 tips on leading your team through this global event.